June’s Best and Worst


1. Spin City (Day 166 – 6/15)

Smart, Hip and fun Michael J Fox vehicle.

2. Caroline in the City (Day 171 – 6/20)

A cute and fun show, emulating Lea Thompson herself.

3. Seinfeld (Day 157 – 6/6)

A show that still makes me laugh regardless of how many times I’ve seen the episodes.

JUNE’S WORST (with my apologies to the creators)

1. I Dream of Genie (Day 175 – 6/24)

A boring, repetitive mess, with jokes that go on for far too long.

2. Square Pegs (Day 173 – 6/22)

In spite of its cult-like status, this show is awful in every way. It’s hard to make it through an entire episode.

3. Grace Under Fire (Day 153 – 6/2)

I would rather receive a root canal without Novocaine, than have to watch Bret Butler again.

MOST PLEASANT SURPRISE (exceeded my expectations)

Gidget (Day 176 – 6/25)

Huge improvement over the movies, with a talented cast, and funny stories

Carter Country (Day 161- 6/10)

How a show about racism, homophobia and sexism in a small Southern Town (based on Jimmy Carter’s hometown) could make me laugh is beyond me, but somehow this show works.

MOST DISAPPOINTING (not what I remember the show being)

Fish Police (Day 172 – 6/21)

An Animated show with an A-List of voice actors (for the time), fails to entertain on any level.

Duck Factory (Day 160 – 6/9)

My 9-year-old self kept telling me this show was funny, I sat through it waiting for it to get funny, it never did.


The Munsters Today (Day 167- 6/16)

Bringing the Munsters to the modern day…not sure who thought this was a good idea.

Family for Joe (Day 181-6/30)

As if casting Robert Mitchum in a comedy wasnt weird enough, the storylines in this 9 episode failure double as cautionary after school special stuff.



My Dear readers, the few of you that there are, due to some upcoming time commitments, and the continued decline in readership, it has become necessary for me to put  this blog on hiatus for an indefinite period of time. I know I am breaking the definition of the 365-day thing, but this must be done. I hope to continue my journey through the sitcom world in this forum or another in the future, but until then, I bid you all adieu.

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