DAY 42: Complete Savages

Series Run : 2004-2005

20 episodes

Network: ABC

Series Premise (as far as I can tell):

Divorced father trying to raise 5 sons

Episode Watched: Pilot (Season 1)

Episode Summary:  Nick tries to teach the kids responsibility by refusing to hire a housekeeper. The kids rebel by refusing to clean up anything.

My Thoughts: There was a time where Mel Gibson was an absolute megastar. Beloved by millions, adored by the masses, he had the midas touch. People flocked to anything and everything he did. In 2004, ABC did just that and greenlit this show that Mel created, produced, directed the pilot and even made some cameos in later episodes. The series starred Keith Carradine, brother of kung fu master David, and if my recollection is correct was known more for creepy, dramatic roles then his comedy chops. But I digress, this show presents us with a hard-working divorced dad who has his 5 boys, aged 12 through their early 20’s, each of which has their own personality quirk. It’s a combination of the kids personality quirks, coupled with Carradine’s “straight man” that is where the laughs come from. Now to say this is a funny show is not exactly true, it depends on what you find funny. Some of the kids are funny, others are downright rude, and the male chauvinism that permeates just below the surface of this episode gives us an eerie sign of what was to come from our hero, Mel. I wish I coud tell you that one of the kids went on to star in something memorable, or that they have a recognizable name, but they don’t. I also understand that Betty White was a semi-regular in later episodes as their crotchety “old lady” neighbor, which I am sure gave this family more chances to offend the finer sex.  This is a strange show, and an odd watch, made that much more strange when you add in the time it was made as it relates to the height of the Mel Gibson phenomenon. In that sense the show is watchable, but without that little factoid, this would not be worth a second look.

 Memorable Quotes:

“Nobody’s going gay, I didn’t go gay after your mother left, and it wasnt for lack of offers.” -Nick

“You have to be willing to risk a ‘no’, if you’re ever going to get a ‘yes'”- Nick

“The important thing is I got what I wanted”– Nick

Acting Notables:

Keith Carradine- Nick

Tomorrow: An 80’s icon that has aged quite well

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