DAY 116: Father Knows Best

Series Run : 1954-1960

203 episodes

Network: CBS/NBC

Series Premise (as far as I can tell):

Life of a “typical” 1950’s family from the midwest

Episode Watched: No Apron Strings (Season 3)

Episode Summary: Bud starts dating the daughter of an immigrant shop owner, the girl believes she doesn’t deserve Bud, thoughts validated when Bud attends his mom’s birthday party instead of a date with her.

My Thoughts: A show that I assume shows us the romanticized version of life in the 50’s. Very much a Leave It to Beaver, Ozzie and Harriet vibe to this show. I have mixed thoughts about this show after this episode, both good and bad. First of all, something all these shows should take heed on, if you are going to have kids on your show make good choices. In this case the 3 kids are terrific, they don’t over act, pretty down to earth and rather funny. When the show goes for humor its well done and very natural to the events and characters. What is odd is the strange class-war plot they try to do here. Bud’s Girlfriend, Georgia, from the very beginning is sullen and angry every time Bud mentions having to do something with his mom or for his mom. You see she is convinced Bud is a puppet for his mother, and the mother controls him because she doesn’t want him associating with the poor daughter of an immigrant from Italy. Rather heady stuff and one that seems out-of-place in an otherwise light-hearted show. Eventually the girl is show the error of her ways, but not after a lot of crying and threats to Bud. For a show titled, Father Knows Best, dear old dad doesn’t really enter the picture offering advice or really being an integral part of the story at all. I will say, despite the strange tonal differences I enjoyed the show and can see why it lasted as long as it did. I am a little worried that there was a reunion movie in 1977, not sure how this would have played in the late 70’s with the kids grown up. But that is a discussion for another time.

 Memorable Quotes:

“Go home little boy, to your mother!” -Georgia

“His mother was frightened by a broken compass and he had no sense of direction” -Bud

“I know what else they have, a mother better than anyone deserves” – Jim

Acting Notables:

Robert Young- Jim

Jane Wyatt- Margaret

Tomorrow: I show my bias towards someone and expose myself as an apologist for them

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