DAY 148: Jonas

Series Run : 2009-2010

34 episodes

Network: Disney

Series Premise (as far as I can tell):

Life of a teenage rock band consisting of brothers

Episode Watched: Slice of Life (Season 1)

Episode Summary: All 3 brothers fall for the hot pizza delivery code, causing them to break one of the sacred laws of the Jonas brother code.

My Thoughts: I tried really hard to hate this show. I wanted to hate this show. Its silly, stupid, and has a ridiculous song performance midway through entitled “I fell in love with the pizza girl, now I eat pizza everyday”. Unfortunately, I kept laughing despite my best efforts. It’s not that the show is written well, it’s just so ridiculously stupid that it makes you laugh. It’s some kind of weird hybrid of the Monkees with Wiggles-like musical numbers included to break up the monotony of the narrative. I guess this would fall in a category of Awesomely Bad Shows, you laugh at the sheer insanity of what you are seeing on the screen, and I think they embraced it. Deciding early on, if its going to be goofy, let’s make it the most outrageously goofy thing we could. I am ashamed to say I am going to watch a few more of these shows when I just need some downtime from using my brain for anything remotely productive, just don’t expect this show to make any best or worst lists, its in a stratosphere all of its own.

 Memorable Quotes:

“If I keep having to make your jeans bigger, the world will have a denim shortage” -Stella

“Can’t a guy get dressed up for his evening snack?” -Nick

“All this attention is kinda flattering, but mostly its just weird” – Maria

Acting Notables:

Joe Jonas- Joe

Nick Jonas- Nick

Kevin Jonas- Kevin

Chelsea Stave- Stella

Tomorrow: The prequel show that begat one of the worst shows I’ve ever seen

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