DAY 53: 30 Rock

Series Run : 2006-2013

138 episodes

Network: NBC

Series Premise (as far as I can tell):

The adventures of the head writer of an NBC sitcom in New York

Episode Watched: Rosemary’s Baby (Season 2)

Episode Summary:  Liz meets her idol and rebels against authority, Tracy has a therapy breakthrough, and Kenneth’s page jacket is ruined.

My Thoughts: There is a lot to like about this show, its funny, witty, and satirical. Every time  I see an episode I find myself enjoying it, so I sit here wondering why I didn’t watch it more when it was on TV. This show was never appointment tv for me, but in passing when nothing else was on I would watch it. This episode has a hilarious guest role by Carrie Fisher, and a fascinating 2 minutes of Alec Baldwin playing a bunch of black stereotypes in an effort for Tracy Morgan to confront his childhood. So I ask myself, what is it about this highly intelligent, fast paced comedy that leaves me flat? I am left thinking it was the pace that left me in the dust. To watch this show you must be really engaged, the rate at which the jokes and dialogue come at you, is like being on a bullet train and you are trying to enjoy the scenery and you don’t have time to bask in the environment before the next landmark is on top of you. What’s further odd is I love old black and white screwball comedies which have the same frenetic pace, but somewhere in my dna, when I am winding down my evening I want something that doesn’t take so much effort in order to catch everything being said and done. Perhaps that is why a mid morning viewing was so much more enjoyable to me. I can’t say enough that this is a good show and you should watch it, you just may have to watch it a few times to enjoy it in its entirety.

Memorable Quotes:

“And by Heroine, I mean a hero. I don’t want to inject you and listen to jazz.”-Liz

“That’s such an upsetting story, I’ll never watch Happy Days the same way again”- Liz

“Help me Liz Lemon, You’re my only hope!”– Rosemary

Acting Notables:

Tina Fey- Liz

Alec Baldwin- Jack

Tracy Morgan- Tracy

Carrie Fisher- Rosemary

Tomorrow: Short lived emmy winner based on a movie