DAY 166: Spin City

Series Run : 1996-2002

145 episodes

Network: ABC

Series Premise (as far as I can tell):

The happenings of the Vice Mayor and his staff

Episode Watched: Back to the Future IV: Judgment Day (Season 3)

Episode Summary: Mike’s old mentor comes to visit, while Carter’s dog is accidentally killed by Paul.

My Thoughts: This is the kind of show that we are missing on network tv right now. A sharp cast with great chemistry, led by an iconic sitcom star. This show has a lot of similarities to Benson, in that it follows the political happening of a dimwitted leader, with a highly sarcastic chief of staff and a bunch of oddball characters. This show is cleverly written, quite funny, and leaves you wanting more when the episodes are done. The episode I chose has a memorable reunion with Christopher Lloyd and Michael J Fox, with some clever references to the movies they starred in. I feel what made this show so fun to watch was you had so many characters, but everything happening with the characters was funny and on point, it didn’t distract from the main story and complimented it rather well. This entry involves Christopher Lloyd’s character coming back to visit his protegé, Mike, and announcing that he is God. Leaving Mike to scramble to cover up his craziness. Lots of fun, lots of great character actors, and should be watched by everyone! The show is also known for the cast upheaval after season 4 when Michael J Fox announced he had Parkinsons, leading the show to cast Heather Locklear and eventually Charlie Sheen to replace Mike. Even then, the show still worked on many levels. This is an oft forgotten show of the 90′ and should be remembered fondly, as it is a very good show!

  Memorable Quotes:

“With an average guy it can last 6 or 7 minutes, but with me, I can get you out of here in half that time!” -James

“You tell people you’re the son of God and suddenly you’re pigeon holed!” -Owen

“Aw man, instead of getting the soundtrack to 9 and a half weeks, I got 9 and a half weeks to learn the banjo” – James

Acting Notables:

Michael J Fox- Mike

Barry Bostwick- The Mayor

Alan Ruck- Stuart

Christopher Lloyd- Owen

Tomorrow: The Munsters return!

DAY 138: The Honeymooners

Series Run : 1955-1856

39 episodes

Network: CBS

Series Premise (as far as I can tell):

Life of Blue Collar Bus Driver Ralph Kramden

Episode Watched: The Man from Space (Season 1)

Episode Summary: Ralph is determined to win a costume contest, unfortunately Norton has the same plan, which leads Ralph to be extra-creative.

My Thoughts: When this one came up on the ol’ randomizer, I knew the episode I wanted to watch. As a child from the 80’s, Back to the Future used the Honeymooners as a thread in Marty’s travels from the 80’s to the 50’s, the episode called out, ‘the one where Ralph dresses up as a man from space’ it was referenced as a classic. Having finally gotten an opportunity to watch the whole episode, I will need to figure out what definition of ‘classic’ was being used in 1985. It seems everyone in the pop culture world is aware of the Honeymooners, I find this fascinating, as the show only lasted one season, and a paltry 39 episodes, yet you can probably still find reruns somewhere on cable to this day. It also is known mostly for Jackie Gleason, yet I found that Art Carney has the best lines and gets the most laughs, and this entry is no different, with Carney’s costume as a French Nobleman who is the father of the Paris sewer system. I will say this, the show feels different from most that were on the air at the time, it feels like you are watching a play at a theatre, with the look of the sets, the small number of actors, the way the actors enter/exit scenes, and the audience reaction each time an actor appears. From that standpoint it was definitely unique to the standard sitcom fare of the early 50’s. But to call it a classic, just seems odd. It was definitely different for the time, but to me, it doesn’t stand up to the test of time. Perhaps there is a uniqueness and connection to those that first consumed television, and its that nostalgia that keeps it alive in todays time, but in a contemporary landscape, it wouldn’t even last half a season.

 Memorable Quotes:

“What’d you expect to come out of the sewer? The man in the gray flannel suit?” -Norton

“Bang, Zoom!” -Ralph

Acting Notables:

Jackie Gleason- Ralph

Art Carney- Norton

Aubrey Meadows- Alice

Tomorrow: A Swedish housekeeper