DAY 180: The Charmings

Series Run : 1987-1988

21 episodes

Network: ABC

Series Premise (as far as I can tell):

Snow White, Prince Charming, the Wicked Queen, and others wake up in modern day America

Episode Watched: The Charmings Buy A Car (Season 1)

Episode Summary: It’s the Charming’s 1010th anniversary so they decide to buy a car, while the Mirror begs the Queen to take him to Vegas.

My Thoughts: This is as boiler plate of a 1980’s sitcom you can get. The camera work, sets, storyline, acting, etc. all of it could be applied to any sitcom from the 80’s, with this one’s uniqueness being the main characters are fairy tale characters. The humor deriving from the naive Snow White and her husband, not understanding the cynical ways of the modern world. It’s funny that the drama, Once Upon A Time, on the same network revolves around roughly the same premise, but they play for drama instead of for laughs. I admire the actors, as they really dive into their roles, and you really believe they have no idea what kind of world they live in now, but it isn’t enough to sustain that in spite of the premise, this show plays like every other family comedy on the air at the time. Its an interesting show to know exists, and if you want a treat, see Paul Winfield chewing up the scenery as the Magic Mirror.

 Memorable Quotes:

“Fabulous Las Vegas, its cheap, its tacky and its hotter than Hades!” -Mirror

“Oh Honey, I’d much rather get you a car than a muzzle”-Eric

“Sometimes I’m so silly, I can’t see the Enchanted Forest for the trees”– Snow

Acting Notables:

Carol Huston- Snow White

Christopher Rich- Eric Charming

Paul Winfield- Mirror

Tomorrow: Robert Mitchum the comedian????