DAY 173: Square Pegs

Series Run : 1982-1983

20 episodes

Network: CBS

Series Premise (as far as I can tell):

Two teenage girls try to become popular during high school

Episode Watched: Square Pigskins (Season 1)

Episode Summary: The school decides to launch a girl’s football team.

My Thoughts: Often times our memories end up being better than what we actually experienced. I am sorry to say, that this show, which in many avenues has reached cult level status, is one of those memories that was better left buried in my mind. To say this is a bad show is an understatement. A show with so many over-the-top high school stereotypes it actually makes you uncomfortable watching them being portrayed by the actors. They are all here, Nerd, Valley Girl, Jock, Preppy, Sci-Fi Geek, Cheerleader, Token Black Friend, and in an odd choice- the “still living in the army” Vietnam Vet. I cannot begin to describe how awful the acting is in this show, it reminds me of a show my friends and I would have cobbled together when bored during the summer (and we did make some pretty awful stuff). Sarah Jessica Parker is the main star who emerged from this train wreck, although Jami Gertz and a couple other’s will be recognized. Although this entry didn’t have him, I have no idea why Bill Murray showed up for cameos in a few episodes. Alas, I am here to tell you if you hold this show in any kind of nostalgic memory, its best left there, Watching it now will only destroy any happy memories you may have of it. 

 Memorable Quotes:

“That’s just an old trick I picked up in ‘Nam, they were just blanks…….this time” -Mr. Murray

“Halftime, I like the sound of that, it sounds so slow”-Slash

“Everybody knows you can’t spell sportsmanship without M-A-N”– Vinnie

Acting Notables:

Sarah Jessica Parker- Patty

Amy Linker- Lauren

Jami Gertz- Muffy

Tomorrow: BBC goes to space, again.